Errori e varianti d’autore nel De mulieribus claris del Boccaccio

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Alessia Tommasi


According to Vittorio Zaccaria, the last two (of nine) editorial stages of Boccaccio’s De mulieribus claris are represented by the autograph MS: Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 90 sup. 98/1. Nevertheless, the presence of hardly justifiable errors in this MS suggests the need for a re-examination of the editorial reconstruction proposed by Zaccaria. For this reason, my essay presents a detailed analysis of ancient texts consulted by Boccaccio for those chapters that contain erroneous information (especially De Medea and De Proba), and a compared study of other boccaccian erudite works. The results of this analysis suggest the possible presence of some authorial corrections, paving the way for an invertion of the redactional phases.

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