Annali di Lettere

Established in 1873, the Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Lettere e Filosofia is one of the oldest and most prestigious Italian journals, serving as a meeting point for the research and study activities cultivated at the Scuola Normale within the humanities disciplines.

Currently published exclusively online in open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, the Annali is released biannually and is among the most highly regarded specialized journals, representing a key reference point for scholars and enthusiasts of humanistic culture.

All articles published in the Annali are freely available on JSTOR.

The Annali is indexed in: Historical Abstracts, ERIH Plus, Articoli italiani di periodici accademici (AIDA), Bibliografia storica nazionale, and the Catalogo italiano dei periodici (ACNP).

The journal is classified in the A category by ANVUR (National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) for the following scientific-disciplinary areas (updated lists valid for the evaluation of candidates in the second quarter of the procedures for the conferment of National Scientific Qualification 2023-2025 Lists of scientific journals and Class A):

08/C1 (Design and Technological Planning of Architecture), 08/D1 (Architectural Design), 08/E1 (Drawing), 08/E2 (Restoration and History of Architecture), 08/F1 (Urban and Territorial Planning and Design), 10/A1 (Archaeology), 10/B1 (Art History), 10/C1 (Theatre, Music, Cinema, and Audiovisual Media), 10/D1 (Ancient History), 10/D2 (Greek Language and Literature), 10/D3 (Latin Language and Literature), 10/D4 (Classical and Late Antique Philology), 10/E1 (Medieval Latin and Romance Philologies and Literatures), 10/F1 (Italian Literature), 10/F2 (Contemporary Italian Literature), 10/F3 (Italian Linguistics and Philology), 10/F4 (Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature), 10/G1 (Glottology and Linguistics), 10/H1 (French Language, Literature, and Culture), 10/I1 (Spanish and Latin American Languages, Literatures, and Cultures), 10/L1 (English and Anglo-American Languages, Literatures, and Cultures), 10/M1 (Germanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures), 10/M2 (Slavic Studies), 10/N1 (Cultures of the Ancient Near East, the Middle East, and Africa), 10/N3 (Cultures of Central and Eastern Asia), 11/A1 (Medieval History), 11/A2 (Modern History), 11/A3 (Contemporary History), 11/A4 (Library and Document Sciences, and Historical-Religious Sciences), 11/C1 (Theoretical Philosophy), 11/C2 (Logic, History, and Philosophy of Science), 11/C3 (Moral Philosophy), 11/C4 (Aesthetics and Philosophy of Languages), 11/C5 (History of Philosophy).

ISSN 0392-095X (print)
ISSN 2464-9201 (online)