La Palma dell’Eurimedonte nelle fonti imperiali. Questioni filologiche e storico-artistiche di un monumento delfico

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Eva Falaschi


The Eurymedon palm tree, dedicated by the Athenians in Delphi to celebrate their victory against the Persians at the Eurymedon, was made of a statue of Athena, which stood on a bronze palm tree. This dedication was still visible in the sanctuary of Delphi in the Imperial age, when Plutarch and Pausanias saw it. Through an analysis of their descriptions of the monument, this article investigates the value the offering got in the Imperial age and proposes a new reading of Pausanias’ text, based on a comparison with Plutarch. Moreover, some observations on the mention of the Eurymedon palm tree in the attidographer Kleitodemos will help to contextualize the monument in the context of the 4th century B.C.

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