I morti di domani: la perdita della certezza di avere dei posteri

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Carla Benedetti


Our generations are the first which live in an age of species extinction. We do know that future generations will pay for the irreversible damage we are causing to the environment. This huge and shocking loss is waiting for us in the future. And yet it already concerns us in our present time. We have lost the certainty that there will be a posterity. How can this kind of mourning, which no human being has ever experienced before, be elaborated and come into effect?

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Biografia autore

Carla Benedetti

Carla Benedetti insegna Letteratura italiana contemporanea all’Università di Pisa. È stata Fellow dell’Italian Academy alla Columbia University e Chair of Italian Culture alla Berkeley University. Ha fondato con altri il blog Nazione indianae la rivista «Il primo amore». Tra i suoi libri: Pasolini contro Calvino (1998), The Empty Cage. Inquiry into the Mysterious Disappearance of the Author (2005), Disumane lettere. Indagini sulla cultura della nostra epoca (2011), La letteratura ci salverà dall’estinzione (2021).