Historians, Antiquarians, Grammarians: Methodological Problems in the Classification and Structuring of FGrHist IV

Contenuto principale dell'articolo

Stefan Schorn


This article contains a methodological discussion of the concept of ‘antiquarian literature’ applied to ancient Greek literature. It first analyzes the various ways in which Felix Jacoby, Arnaldo Momigliano and others have conceptualized antiquarian literature. In a second step it shows how the problem of defining and distinguishing it from biography, grammatical treatises and philosophical works has an impact on how FGrHist IV, dedicated to “Biography and Antiquarian Literature”, should be structured and which works it should contain. In an appendix, two drafts of FGrHistfrom Jacoby’s Nachlaß are published.

Dettagli dell'articolo

Biografia autore

Stefan Schorn

Ha studiato Filologia classica e storia antica presso le Università di Bamberg e Roma La Sapienza. È professore associato di Storia antica presso la KU Leuven e direttore della serie Die Fragmente der Griechischen Historiker Continued. Part IV: Biography and Antiquarian Literature e della rivista «Ancient Society». Si occupa di storiografia, biografia, letteratura antiquaria, teoria politica ed epigrafia greca e latina.