On some improved weighted weak type inequalities
Odometers in non-compact spaces
Quantitative and qualitative properties for Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs via the nonlinear adjoint method
The stable crossing number of a twist family of knots and the satellite crossing number conjecture
The Talenti comparison result in a quantitative form
Sharp propagation rate for solutions of Leibenson's equation on Riemannian manifolds
Discrete and continuum area-preserving mean-curvature flow of rectangles
On bundle closures of matrix pencils and matrix polynomials
On the Nakai Conjecture for some singularities
Approximations in Besov Spaces and Jump Detection of Besov Functions with Bounded Variation
Hilbert properties under base change in small extensions
Proof of a Conjecture by H. Dullin and R. Montgomery
Expansion of Green's function and regularity of Robin's function for elliptic operators in divergence form
Examples of CD(0,N) spaces with non-constant dimension
Calderón-Zygmund theory of nonlocal parabolic equations with discontinuous coefficients
Classification of solutions to some Liouville type systems
On Fefferman--Stein type inequality on Shilov boundaries and applications
On Busemann--Hausdorff densities of dimension two and of codimension two, with an application to Plateau Problem
On unknotting fibered positive knots and braids
On minimal graphs of sublinear growth over manifolds with non-negative Ricci curvature
The classification of reflexive modules of rank one over rational and minimally elliptic singularities
Explicit compactifications of moduli spaces of Campedelli and Burniat surfaces
On the viscosity linearization method without compactness
Intersection numbers with Pixton's class and the noncommutative KdV hierarchy
Liouville-type result for the CR Yamabe equation in the Heisenberg group
Spectral multipliers in a general Gaussian setting
On singular strictly convex solutions to the Monge-Ampère equation
Blowing-up hermitian Yang-Mills connections
Local behavior for solutions to anisotropic weighted quasilinear degenerate parabolic equations
Ordinary isogeny graphs over $\mathbb{F}_p$: the inverse volcano problem
A Poincaré map for the horocycle flow on $\lquot{PSL(2,\Z)}{\HP}$ and the Stern-Brocot tree
Regularity theory for parabolic operators in the half-space with boundary degeneracy
The Kuratowski convergence of medial axis and conflict sets
Marked nodal curves with vector fields
Involutions on hyperelliptic curves and Prym maps
Asymptotics as s → 0+ of the fractional perimeter on Riemannian manifolds
Lifting functionals defined on maps to measure-valued maps via optimal transport
Metrical properties of finite product of partial quotients in arithmetic progressions
On a conjecture of Gezmis and Pellarin
A Lojasiewicz inequality for ALE metrics
On Segal entropy
On unexpected curves of type (d+k,d)
Interchange Rules for Integral Functions
Equidistribution for sets which are not necessarily Galois stable: On a theorem of Mignotte
Multiplicative relations among differences of singular moduli
The Lp-Lq maximal regularity for the Beris-Edwards model in the half-plane
Nonplanar minimal spheres in ellipsoids of revolution
Fine properties of metric space-valued mappings of bounded variation in metric measure spaces
Quantitative recurrence properties for piecewise expanding maps on [0,1]^d
Obstacle problems for nonlocal operators with singular kernels
Divides and hyperbolic volumes
Symmetry for a fully nonlinear free boundary problem with highly singular term
Clustering phenomena in low dimensions for a boundary Yamabe problem
Calderón-Zygmund type estimate for the parabolic double-phase system
Dunford property for composition operators on $H^p$-spaces
Projective homogeneous varieties of Picard rank one in small characteristic
Counting embeddings of free groups into $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{Z})$ and its subgroups
Cheeger inequalities on simplicial complexes
Maps of bounded variation from PI spaces to metric spaces
Varieties of groups and the problem on conciseness of words
Regularity of almost-surely injective projections in Euclidean spaces
Smooth projective surfaces with infinitely many real forms
On the concave one-dimensional random assignment problem and Young integration theory
Logarithmic sheaves of complete intersections (with an appendix by A. Muniz)
On the local maximizers of higher capacity ratios
Hardy type inequalities with mixed weights in cones
A characterization of chains in dimension three
On the parity conjecture for Hilbert schemes of points on threefolds
The parabolic thin obstacle problem for the weighted biLaplacian
Affine interval exchange maps with a singular conjugacy to an IET
Energy-minimizing torus-valued maps with prescribed singularities, Plateau’s problem, and BV-lifting
The angular Laplacian on the lowest dimensional non-symmetric Damek-Ricci space
Fefferman-Stein type inequalities for maximal function of Choquet integrals associated with weighted capacities
The Fano variety of lines of a cuspidal cyclic cubic fourfold
Manifolds with trivial Chern classes I: hyperelliptic manifolds and question by Severi
On elliptic equations involving surface measures
Uniqueness of positive solutions to elliptic equations with the critical exponential growth on the unit disc and its applications
Stability vs.~instability of singular steady states in the parabolic-elliptic Keller-Segel system on $\R^n$
A signed count of 2-torsion points on real abelian varieties
Schauder Estimates up to the boundary on H-type groups: an approach via the double layer potential
Dirichlet forms on metric measure spaces as Mosco limits of Korevaar-Schoen energies
A linear stochastic model of turbulent cascades and fractional fields
Generalised Rado and Roth Criteria
Languages of general interval exchange transformations
Covering numbers for characters of symmetric groups
A trajectorial interpretation of Moser’s proof of the Harnack inequality
Geometry of Grassmannians and optimal transport of quantum states
On rigidity properties of time-changes of unipotent flows
Ergodic properties of a parameterised family of symmetric golden maps: the matching phenomenon revisited
Well-posedness results for hyperbolic operators with coefficients rapidly oscillating in time
Estimates for maximal functions associated to hypersurfaces in $\mathbbm{R}^3$ with height h < 2: part II A geometric conjecture and its proof for generic 2-surfaces
Kakeya maximal inequality in the Heisenberg group
Lefschetz properties of Jacobian algebras and Jacobian modules
Totally geodesic submanifolds in products of rank one symmetric spaces
The CR almost Schur Lemma and the positivity conditions
Pluri-cotangent maps of surfaces of general type
Continued fractions of cubic Laurent series and their effective irrationality exponents
Thin actions on CAT(0)-spaces
Rigidity of non-compact static domains in hyperbolic space via positive mass theorems
Dynamics inside Fatou sets in higher dimensions
On symmetries of iterates of rational functions
Spectral analysis for some third-order differential equations: a semigroup approach
Heintze-Karcher inequality and capillary hypersurfaces in a wedge
Modulus of continuity of weak solutions to a class of singular elliptic equations
Weak and strong Lp-limits of vector fields with finitely many integer singularities in dimension n
On arrangements of hyperplanes from connected subgraphs
On the transcendence of a series related to Sturmian words
Rotational symmetry of uniformly 3-convex translating solitons of mean curvature flow in higher dimensions
Nevanlinna theory for tropical hypersurfaces
Mixed moments of the Riemann zeta function
The structure of the homogeneous Riemannian manifolds with nullity
Hardy spaces, Besov spaces and Triebel--Lizorkin spaces associated with a discrete Laplacian and applications
Infinite time bubble towers in the fractional heat equation with critical exponent
Kinetic Brownian motion on the diffeomorphism group of a closed Riemannian manifold
Occurrence of gap for one-dimensional scalar autonomous functionals with one end point condition
Entire solutions of the magnetic Ginzburg-Landau equation in R4
Rational blowdown graphs for symplectic fillings of lens spaces
No breather theorems for the mean curvature flow
On the classification of non-big Ulrich vector bundles on fourfolds
Reading analytic invariants of parabolic diffeomorphisms from their orbits
The Nonlocal Mean Curvature Flow of Periodic Graphs
Joint normality of representations of numbers: an ergodic approach
Criterion of the L2 boundedness in Dunkl setting and applications
On regularity of maximal distance minimizers in R^n
Existence of nonsymmetric logarithmic spiral vortex sheet solutions to the 2D Euler equations
Gromov hyperbolic John is quasihyperbolic John I
Lines of polynomials with alternating Galois group
Gradient flows in asymmetric metric spaces and applications
On local holomorphic maps between Kähler manifolds preserving $(p,p)$-forms
Classification of convex ancient free boundary mean curvature flows in the ball
Higgs bundles and flat connections over compact Sasakian manifolds, II: quasi-regular bundles
Hodge rank of ACM bundles and Franchetta's conjecture
On the logarithm of the Riemann-zeta-function and its iterated integrals
Enumerativity of virtual Tevelev degrees
Isometries of the Space of Sasaki Potentials
Periodic striped configurations in the large volume limit
A determinantal point process governed by in integrable kernel is Giambelli compatible
Topological moduli space for germs of holomorphic foliations II: universal deformations
Almost sharp descriptions of traces of Sobolev $W_{p}^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$-spaces to arbitrary compact subsets of $\mathbb{R}^{n}$
Optical geometries